Institute for Native Pacific Education and Culture


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Upcoming Events

2024 Jubilee

September 20

Upcoming Workshops


Early Learning

INPEACE’s Early Childhood Education efforts utilize a multigenerational approach that places parents at the center of their child’s education. 


  • Keiki are culturally grounded and connected to place.
  • Keiki are at or above age appropriate literacy skills.
  • Parents are knowledgeable and confident in their parenting skills.
  • Parents actively engage in their keiki’s education and confident in their ability to support their keiki toward academic success.



served through our
Early Learning and
School Readiness


Youth and adults
served in our
educational equity,
leadership and
teacher development


Educational Equity

INPEACE’s focus on Educational Equity and Teacher Development acknowledges the cultural background, community intelligence, positive role models, and the strength of shared perspectives that shapes the lives of our keiki, incorporating them into learning approaches that make academics relevant. LEARN MORE

  • Teachers in the community are homegrown, licensed, highly qualified, and connected to culture and community.
  • The proportion of Native Hawaiian teachers aligns with the proportion of Native Hawaiian students.
  • Students are engaged in learning and have well developed critical thinking skills.


Economic Stability

INPEACE engages in Family Economic Capacity Building to develop more economic options that enable individuals and ‘ohana to live in the communities they grew up in, pursue their dreams of sending their keiki to college, purchasing their own home, and being financially stable when they retire. LEARN MORE

  • Individuals and ‘ohana-
    • Decrease debt and increase credit score.
    • Establish a college savings plan for their keiki.
    • Establish a retirement plan.
  • Increase the amount of locally-owned, community-grown businesses.


members were
enrolled in our
family economic
capacity building

INPEACE Is Funded Through Personal Donations From People Like You.

INPEACE is a nonprofit organization that relies heavily on grants to fund programs and services that strengthen, support, educate and empower our communities. Through donations, we are able to keep our programs free while providing an incredible asset to our community.


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